Tuesday, January 3, 2012

#Sensa #Review-Just Sprinkle it On...

So, you're looking for a new diet product to start you off your New Year's resolutions right. So, here's one of the products I've been trying out. Sensa is a doctor-formulated weight loss system which consists of sprinkling a white, crystalline powder onto your food to help you eat less and feel full faster. I was sent a variety of Sensa Products to try including 2 months supply of Sensa, a box of Sensa Quench, and a packet of Sensa Chews to try.
Sensa creator, Dr. Alan Hirsch, recommends users to follow the 6 month system in order. Essentially, for each of the 6 months, the containers of Sensa have a different number, representing a different blend of Tastants. What does that mean? Your body will never get used to the tastants and become resistant to its effects. Each month, the Sensa tastants come in two shakers, one for you to keep at home and one to take with you on the go. Each container has a salty and sweet side, so you sprinkle either side respectively on the type of food you're eating. I.e. Sprinkle salty on chips. Sprinkle sweet on cake. The cool thing I've learnt is that over 6 months, the average weight loss people have experienced is 30.5lbs. Now, my take on it so far after my 2 weeks of use is that, sticking to it is hard. I admit, I'll forget to sprinkle now and again. However, when I do use it, I notice myself eating less but one may argue that it could be a placebo effect as well. So, my take on it so far is that its worth a try, its almost effortless. You carry around your sprinkler and sprinkle it on, eating your loved foods without apparent restriction.

The chews that they sent me were in the Berry Burst flavor (30 chews/bag) which serve as appetite-controlling chews in between meals. Sugar free and at 15 calories per chew, it sounds pretty good. Smells pretty good too and the flavor wasn't too bad, you are supposed to take one of these with a glass of water. The Sensa Quench I was sent was in Pink Grapefruit flavor and serves as an energy-enhancing vitamin drink. They come in twenty packets per box and again is sugar free and only 15 calories per packet. Mix it with water and if the taste is too strong for you, add more water. Its a good way to get in the daily water requirement and get your FULL daily dose of Vitamin A, C, D, B6, and B12. Not bad so far...come back for my next Sensa post to see my final take on these products and if I've experienced any weight loss.

Buy It: Shop online for Sensa products. Use this link to get 2 free months ($120 value), just pay S&H. The 30 pack of Sensa chews and Sensa Quench are $29.95 each. 

Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided free for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.

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                                                         Until next time,
