Marianne Richmond is back with her newest book, "I Believe in You". If you haven't read my reviews on her books before, you should. Each and every one is filled with heartwarming words. Its always like a steaming hot chocolate on a cold winter's day. I always enjoy her works and this one is no different.

I Believe in You is a book that puts into words the feeling in every parent's heart as they watch their own children take on the very big job of growing up. Through the ups and downs, no matter the choices made, it shows how much you believe in them and are there for them, always and forever.
Its another sweet and touching book. I love how it emphasizes parents believing in their children and supporting them from the sidelines. It also encourages children to learn and do things on their own, to try and step forward with their own two feet. These are such valuable lessons! I personally feel that the best way to learn is to try to do things yourself. Kids have what they need to succeed inside and this book couldn't express it any better. Well, if they fail or have a hard time trying, no biggie, there will always be someone there watching and cheering for them on the sidelines. 3 words, I love it!
Visit Marianne.
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