Sunday, August 14, 2011

Get Organized! DotMine #Planner #Review

Between real life and blogging, everything gets a little hectic. Lately I had started a spreadsheet to keep track of which reviews and giveaways I had coming up and I was keeping track of my real life events on my laptop’s calendar.  Then I received the DotMine Day Planner for review.  

I chose the Life_Time.Mine to review in Power Suit. Power Suit is such an awesome name. I just love it and the professional sleek look really attracted me as well. When I received it, I was mildly surprised, I had a hunch but I went to double check on the site. These planners waste no time! They are 17 month planners, intricately designed so that your first month starts after you receive it. So, I received mine in July but they don’t start until August and I thought to myself, this is such a great idea. It sure beats buying the Jan-Dec calendars when half the year’s over, right?


The particular planner I chose was 7x9 inches and would easily slip into a medium sized purse making it very convenient as well. The Life_Time.Mine planners feature durable leather covers, monthly and weekly planning papers, a master schedule and planning guide, work notes pages and roadmap and organizational pages. There are even perforations on either side of the page that you can tear off and take with you so that you remember what you wrote if you don’t want to carry your planner around! Trust me, mine is going with me everywhere! This is going to be one of those things that are going to make my complex year a little simpler. ;) DotMine also has a other planner themes and various selections and sizes so if the one I picked isn’t for you, you still have plenty of other choices.

Want to give it a try? Purchase the Power Suit Life_Time.Mine Planner (21.99USD) online. Or, you could try your luck out here! DotMine has been generous enough to offer 1 of Whirlwind of Surprises’ readers a DotMine Day Planner of their own. Win it! Come back and enter the giveaway.

Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided free of charge from DotMine for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.

Until next time,

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