Sunday, April 17, 2011

cityslips Review -Perfect for any it your mother, friends or yourself

Alright, whether it be for the clinic, hospital or going out, a girl's gotta have some gorgeous shoes. Now, I admit I can't do stilettos, I would be the first to fall flat on my face but still, I buy gorgeous shoes...some with heels and others without. However, when you try on those shoes in the store, they're always gorgeous! And hell, we even convince ourselves that they're comfortable because, why would we ever feel uncomfortable in the two minutes that we try them on and walk around in them?? Its not until the night we go out or having to walk around in them all day, that we realize...oh god, what a mistake!? For beauty and fashion, we go to extreme lengths. I love my shoes and well, I just bought myself 4 pairs yesterday! And yes, I convinced myself they would be comfortable and I really hope they will be. 

Can you imagine though, however, at the end of the day, how your feet feel?! This is where the ingenuity of two friends, Katea Shea and Susie Levitt, comes to play in the form of cityslips. Check out their idea below. Its so simple! When your feet hurt, just switch into some cityslips! They're much more comfy and more importantly, they give your feet a break without sacrificing your look! I was able to pair my black cityslips with dress clothes with no problems at all.

They're also tiny and so compact that they came in this little pouch that can even unfold to become a larger bag to store your heels. 

How easy is it to just slide the pouch in your purse and go? An added feature I love is the double soled structure for durability...I actually find that more comfortable because I have these boots that have an incredibly thin bottom and although they are one of my favorite pairs of boots...(they're sooo HOT!) I can feel every little pebble and crack in the ground underneath my feet. With cityslips, I don't feel that and its thanks to the soles.

The only problem I had with my cityslips, however, was the elastic backing on the back. The right side was perfectly comfortable and I was so happy with it. The left side, unfortunately, had a bump in the elastic backing that dug into the back of my foot making it a bit painful but maybe that's just a problem with my feet itself...

Overall though, cityslips is a wonderful idea and quite comfortable in comparison to my boots, heels, and other dress shoes. It is the solution for us girls who love our sexy shoes! Great buy at $24.95 and guess what? They would be absolutely perfect for your friends, yourself, and yes, even as Mother's Day Gifts! Who says just cuz you're a mom, you can't be in style! Mom needs comfortable, functional flats as well. They even have portable flip flops (cityflips) and AfterSoles (roll up ballet flats)!

Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided free of charge from the manufacturer or PR firm for the purposes of this review. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.

Until next time,

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