Have you heard of Mama Doni? She's a mom, music teacher, songwriter and lead singer in the Mama Doni Band. They've been performing over 250 shows since 2008 throughout the USA and they've been seen on on FOX-TV's Good Day New York, NBC's Weekend Today New York, Shalow TV and E Channel's The Soup.

Shabbat Shaboom is a CD for all ages, with a runtime of 42 minutes and 21 tracks, its sure to keep the kids singing and dancing!
Very impressive! If you'd like to see them live, check out heir schedule for the next few months below:
February 20 Congregation Emanu El Houston, TX
March 5 Congregation Beth Or Maple Glen, PA
March 6 Young Limmud Philly/Gershman YMHA Philadelphia, PA
March 20 Museum of Jewish Heritage New York, NY
April 3 Congregation Keneseth Israel Elkins Park, PA
April 22 Friedberg JCC/Mid-Island YJCC Oceanside, NY
May 10 Weinstein JCC Richmond, VA
May 11 Simon JCC Virginia Beach, VA
Visit Mama Doni.
Buy It: Shabbat Shaboom can be purchased for $15 from CDbaby.com, MamaDoni.com and Itunes March, 2011.
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided free of charge from the manufacturer or PR firm for the purposes of this review. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.
Until next time,

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