Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Progresso Soup Light Review and Giveaway


Progresso has a wonderfully delicious way to help us out with our new year's resolutions! With 40 flavors of Progresso Soup Light and each serving 100 calories or less, they are a great way to curb cravings while satisfying your palate. ;)  

Progresso sent me several flavors to try out and on a cold winter night...true story by the way, since our apartment has central heating and its one of those old apartments where they barely ever turn the heat on and even when its on, its basically, I got sidetracked. Anyways, on a cold winter night, I mentioned to my SO, "I can't believe how cold it is! Wouldn't hot soup be wonderful right now?" He goes, "We have soup??" I say, "Yep, Progresso sent us some to try." With that, we grabbed one of my favorites "New England Clam Chowder" and heated it up in a matter of minutes on the stovetop and hot, delicious, heaven, here we come! I think my favorite thing about these soups is that they are a maximum 100 calories per serving. Clam Chowder was 100 calories per serving and the can is 2 servings so a total of 200 calories but it was split between two people so not too bad, I'd say. I also liked how there was quite a bit of vegetables in the can and there were little chunks of clam. I wouldn't say its a lot but its not really a tiny amount either. By now, we've tried two other flavors and they have both been 70 calories per serving and both cans were also packed full of veggies.

Progresso has also brought back the "Souper You Debut" Contest that goes on from Jan 3-March 16. Three grand prize winners get a trip for 2 to NYC from May 20-22 with roundtrip airfare, 2 nights in an NYC hotel, a full makeover, a guided shopping spree and $1000 in spending money. How awesome is that? All you need to do is to visit Progresso on facebook and enter by writing a quick 200 character or less blurp on why you love their soups that contain 100 calories or less and why you deserve to go to NYC for a fashion overhaul! You must also submit a photo of yourself that reinforces your essay theme. Unfortunately, this contest is only for residents of the USA. 

Progresso has also been gracious enough to offer a "Souper You" gift pack just like the one they sent me as a giveaway to my readers. It includes a VIP coupon for a free can of Progresso soup, a Yoga Mat and carrier bag, water bottle, set of aerobic bands, sport headband and wristbands. I am loving all these keep fit giveaway packages, food and fitness, what more could you ask for?!

Buy It: Visit any grocery store to pick up your Progresso Soup. Grab this coupon before you go for $1 off your purchase of 4 cans.

Win It: One very lucky Whirlwind of Surprises reader is going to win a Progresso Souper You Prize Pack!

This must be entered as ONE entry before the bonus entries count! I will check. PLEASE Leave a contact email in your entries if it is not found in your profile, if I can't contact you, you can't win. :)

1) Follow Whirlwind of Surprises on Google Friends Connect AND
2) Which flavor of Progresso Soup would you most like to try?

Bonus Entries -Please make sure you put 1 comment for each entry. e.g. If it says 2 entries, put 2 comments.

  • Like Whirlwind of Surprises on facebook. Please leave your first name and last initial-1 entry
  • Like Progresso on facebook -1 entry 
  • Blog about this giveaway with a link to this post. Please leave your link. -2 entries.
  • Grab my button and tell me where its at -2 entries
  • Enter any of my other giveaways -1 entry
  • Follow Whirlwind of Surprises on Networked Blogs -1 entry
  • Follow Whirlwind of Surprises on Twitter and ReTweet this: RT @cinnybbs #Win a Progresso Souper You Prize Pack from #WOS US only Ends 02/16. #giveaway Sweet work out kit!
    • (can be Tweeted up to 3x daily for extra 2 entries each time. Each tweet must be 2 hours apart. Leave your tweet link)
  • Subscribe to Whirlwind of Surprises via email. -2 entries
Giveaway ends 11:59 pm EST on February 16, 2011. Open to the US. Winner will be drawn by a random number generator, posted on this blog and emailed. Winner must respond within 48 hours or a new winner will be drawn.

Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided free of charge from Progresso via MyBlogSpark for the purposes of this review. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.

Until next time,

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